Tuesday, November 22, 2011


At this point in our lives the topic of children comes up well... everyday!
However we are currently thinking about starting off smaller... say a puppy? We have been talking off and on about getting a dog or puppy because Zoe is so social. Recently she seems to be getting into more and more things when we aren't home, which I know is because she is bored!
We know we would keep a puppy alive but puppies are similiar to babies in they way that they pee all the time and wake you up in the middle of the night! Having a puppy is very fun but it can also be very stressfull and would serve as a great test.
We got Zoe as a 4 year old dog who was for the most part already trained, we haven't watched her grow or taught her anything new, maybe a few basic tricks such as "down" and "off" but nothing extraordinary.
So anyways wish this puppy luck as he/she is going to be the most spoiled "lab rat" in the state of Missouri!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Stay at Home Moms

Obviously I am not very good at blogging, it has been exactly 3 months since my first post...oops!

Anyway, my sister is an excellent blogger, and a stay at home mom. She recently blogged about how little support there is for stay at home moms, at first I thought this was ridiculous but it is so true. There is an overload of support for moms who work from home,  support for stay at home moms with part time jobs or who run small businesses such as avon, there is also support for moms who are going back to school. However there is little to no support for those mom's who are just moms, and even that sounds bad, "oh I'm just a mom" just a mom? Is that not only one of the most important jobs on the planet? Just watch the news, we would have so few stories if more women were just moms and invested themselves in their families and raised healthy well adjusted individuals became productive valued members of society rather than deviants and perverts.

Why is it wrong to want to care for your home, your husband and your children? Why am I even blogging about this you ask, I don't have kids. Obviously it is because I want to have children and my husband and I like the idea of me staying at home. Unlike a lot of working mothers I know, we don't have a grandparent who would be available to provide child care, and my sister is a stay at home mom so she can raise HER children, not mine. Child care from nannies or daycares not only makes me very nervous but it is very expensive and I really don't make enough money to counter balance that expense nor do I want someone else molding my child into the person they will become.

I am not against working from home and I have looked into it but nothing has caught my interest, I am an oil painter and am currently making pillows for my husbands cousins as gifts but even if those did become things I sold, I will never be rich off of hand made goods that take such a long time to produce. I am also not against working a few nights a week at a coffee shop or restaurant but I don't want to go into motherhood knowing that I HAVE to do that. Can't I just be my anal retentive self and create a million cleaning lists and go to the grocery store and have dinner ready every night? People will stop comparing themselves to Mrs. Cleaver and start coparing themselves to Mrs. Goodwin!

Anywho obviously you know what has been on my mind the last few months since I have nothing else to bring up :-) I hope I don't forget about my blog again and be back much sooner!